Deaditor-In-Chief Robert Steven Rhine with Girls and Corpses cover girl Charlotte Stokely. |
Charlotte Stokely, Corpsy and Hollie Stevens (star of Clown Porn) at the Dark Delicacies signing for Girls and Corpses Magazine's sunner Golf Corpse issue. |
The ghoulish crew behind Girls and Corpses Magazine: Charlotte Stokely, D.W. Frydendall (G&C artist), Kevin Klemm (Corpse Dude), Hollie Stevens (Clown Porn) and Founder/Deaditor-In-Chief R.S. Rhine at Dark Delicacies Bookstore signing. |
Charlotte Stokely, gravedigger Kevin Klemm (The Ed Gein Collection) Hollie Stevens and G&C Publisher R.S. Rhine |
Nick Palumbo (director of the sickest movie ever made "Murder-Set-Pieces," actress Tara Price and G&C Deaditor R.S. Rhine |
Charlotte Stokely, Corpsy and Hollie Stevens (star of Clown Porn) at the Dark Delicacies signing for Girls and Corpses Magazine's sunner Golf Corpse issue. |
Del Howison, owner of Dark Delicacies Bookstore, is flanked by delicacies Charlotte Stokely and Hollie Stevens -- at the Girls and Corpses Magazine signing. |